What a loveley day. Thought the Purple Phlox was gorgeous.
not much time to blog recently, with visitors arriving today I cant see me getting much time in the next week or so either.
Very interesting visit to the wormery at work yesterday - it was amazing to see a mature wormery in action. It gave me a lot of confidence in that what I am doing is OK - but I must make sure that I give the worms a varied diet. Also saw the green cones - these have to be dug into the ground with the cone on top. You can put all kitchen waste in (including meat! - but not in a work situation as that comes under different legislation!) and basically it just improves the soil around the cone. So when it is full you leave it to do it's work, then move it to another location. I guess you would need at least 2 to work efficiently. I think I am going to have another go at composting as well - maybe move one of my daleks to a more sunny spot! Back to work now....
Such a beautiful flower photo.
Wormery sounds interesting, I'd like to start one. I have very big overrun compost heaps, they get slow worms in there!
Hi Muddy,
Thanks - I thought it was cheery.
composting worms are different from the common lob worm, they are usually Dendras or Tiger worms. I got my wormery from wormcity, it is a stacking system and is cheaper(a lot) than the rolls royce of wormeries the Can of Worms - available from wriggly wigglers. Apparantly the key is to give them a varied diet and keep the conditions right for them to want to stay in the wormery. All composting requires management (so I have found out) and the guy at work says he would have a wormery alongside traditional composting - the worms cant cope with huge barrowloads of stuff. I am going to restart a traditional compost heap and make sure I turn it more than my last ones!
errgh, worms. we just can't live without them, don't they just do a wonderful thing to soil quality! oh on the down side they bring in the moles, not so good.
Purple Phlox - how very appropriate for this site! Love the wormy theme, being a great fan of all types of the wiggly fellows, they do a great job and are very underrated.
Can't believe you have never blogged before, you are a natural!
Perfect purple phlox for the perfect purple site! Glad to hear that the worms are still an item!
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