Worm check this morning revealed zero worms trying to escape - hurrah!
V V tired from driving back from the Scottish Finals of One Act Plays - arrived home today (just!) - back again tonight and tomorrow. V good plays, adjudicator is throwing red herrings around though. Great to support my pals in their production and they really appreciated it.
temporarily in 'im indoor's office as my office also works as the spare room and my aunts are coming for a visit on tuesday. The house has had it's annual spring clean (good job they come in spring!) and the rubbish bin is full! Mind you, the recycling bin is full of election notices! Wine has been purchased, but forgot the chocolate! horror of horrors! must sit down and recover.
Whooooo Hoooooo Wizzard. Lovely first Blog - I will be up in the wee small hours teaching your worms how to escape. Glad you enjoyed last night - I was sooooo sorry not be there. Welome aboard and all that.
Forgot thr chocolate!! That will never do!
luckily I found some in my handbag, so that will do for tonight! I must write 1000 times "I must not forget the chocolate"!
The worms are good enuf at escaping without your help WW!!!
just gave them some mango peelings that had been maturing for a week!
You ARE brave, blogging at work! I wouldn't dare, as Big Brother is always watching and there are warnings sent from time to time to remind us of the fact. Worms sounds as though they are doing very well - mango peelings...how gourmet!
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