Is it the poor roads, that so often get closed?
Is it the 40 miles to the nearest town?
Is it the snow and the rain and the wind?
Is it the people always ready to chat?
Is it the community always there for the needy?
Is it the clean air, no pollution in sight?
Is it the abundance of activities around?
Is it the golf when you fancy a round?
Is it the kids who appreciate my help?
Is it the views where ever I am?
Lets just be honest... I love where I am.
I can put up with the inconveniences of this rural life
For the quality of life far outweighs all the rest.

Just come on your blog, can relate to your poem, wondered what the wormery photo was, till I read it.
Stunning scenery.
Great poem!
I think I have been mothering too long.. when I read you blog intro on the I have blogged spot as "I have something"" I immediately thought, nits ? fleas? chicken pox?
Lovely poem, really grabbed my attention, and, of course, stunning scenery. I have been thinking lately that I'd like to live somewhere more reomote, but I did gulp once when reading your blog - really 40 miles to the nearest town??!
40 miles to the nearest decent supermarket! 40 miles to the cheapest diesel. 40 miles from the hustle and bustle. Bliss....
I haven't caught your blog before and didn't realise you were a golfer, you are keen I am a big wimp at wet golf, still stuck on 36, am in my 4th year of playing properly, but don't get enough rounds in, must try harder
Lovely photo - no wonder you love to live where you do. I'd be interested to hear more about your area, when you have time.
We are all different but I am not organised enough to live 40 miles from town. I'm always running out of something. I appreciate your beautiful scenery though. And its always nice to find poetry on blogs.
yeh, living in the sticks does have its problems, ie] nip to the shops.....what shops? but l wouldn't change it for all that clear open skies.
It is indeed 40 miles from most things - including motorways, traffic jams - too many people . . .blah blah. Interestingly someone on the other side was talking about Scotland and midges - well we are so much more than a midge infested country . . . good grief I nearly signed in and left a comment.
Midges - pah! there certainly is more to scotland than Midges. The rest of the UK suffers from midges as well - only they call them gnats!
40 miles from hospital, and soon to be more than 40 miles from maternity and A&E!
But I still love it.
Beautiful place and I can see why you live there and pleased to here you like golf I come from a golfing family my father was Captain and Presedent of Hayling Island Golf Club several times and so was my mother. I like hitting down the fairway NO PROBLEM but putting!!! My dad said I had the touch of an Aberdeen Herring Gutter!!
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