Had a furtle in the wormery today to make sure that the worms were ok and that the compost was not getting compacted.
I thought I would show some pictures of my worms.
The first picture shows some worm eggs which is good cos I know that they are still breeding well.
O I am interested in this cos want a wormery and havent got round to getting one. Keep us updated. The worms look good!
Very interested in your wormery. I have one from Wigglywigglers or what ever they are called. I've seen some mating but not any eggs, perhaps I haven't looked far enough in. I am on the second tray and in the last week or so have begun to collect the liquid manure. Do tell us what we should be doing to keep the little darlings happy! Can't wait to have a tray full of compost.
Hi Withy, so you have the very posh Can-o-Worms then! They have one of those at my work. The chap at work told me that it is very important to keep the diet varied - not too much of one thing. If the wormery is too dry (worms need moisture to breathe) add damp corrugated cardboard or shredded newspaper, if too wet then add dry corrugated cardboard or shredded newspaper. He said that he found that the sump got too wet and the worms drowned - so he now keeps the tap open (keep a container underneath to catch the liquid).
When you get to the stage when you can harvest the compost you need to take the layer off that you are going to harvest and just take the first few inches of compost off, wait till any stray worms go away from the light and do the same again until all the compost is harvested. Any food that has not been fully composted can go back into the wormery for further processing.
If the diet is not varied you can get worm treats (I think wigglywigglers sell them) to balance out their diet.
Would love to see pix of your wormery in action.
Well NO ONE that knows me would ever think that I'd be at all interested in worms but..there you go. I had to have a really good look at yours. Know nothing about worms but have to say yours look like they must be healthy! Lucky plants to get the compost.
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