Strulch ® is a light and easy to use garden mulch made from wheat straw for organic gardening. A patented process is used to ‘preserve’ the straw so that it lasts for up to two years and gives an earthy brown colour.
Strulch has a neutral pH and can be used throughout the garden on borders, raised beds, around cultivated fruit and on vegetable plots.
- Spend less time weeding
- Save water
Strulch helps retain moisture around plants
- Improve your soil
- Use all around the garden
Strulch is suitable around flowers, shrubs, fruit and vegetables
- Save time and money
Strulch, the mineralised straw garden mulch, lasts up to two years,spreading the cost, saving water and fertiliser, making your plants grow healthier and stronger and giving you more time to relax.
Strulch reduces weed growth by up to 95%
Strulch enriches soil and its structure
To me the advantage is having something that will improve my soil as well as supressing weeds etc as the main area I have put it needs a lot of nutrients put back in the soil.
have never heard of this, but having a new compost heap, will stir my stumps and go and google it.
If it smells nice then you're ahead of the game. My flowerbeds have only just stopped stinking to high heaven having spread the compost from the bottom of the wormery! (I've clearly got to work at this one!)
Let me know if it works, i'm in great need of something to suppress weeds. Ground elder bane of my life at moment!
I could do with some myself, my plants are looking like the weather's beaten them. I only planted a few pots last week and already they look pitiful.
CJ xx
Thank you. I'm off to follow up your link.
This sounds magic stuff indeed. I will also have a look at it.
I struggle with weeding physically so anything to help!!
warm wishes
A new one one me. I will look up.
How big is the tin? I have a pocket handkerchief plot but I should need several 45 gallon drums I think. Or have I failed, as usual, to grasp the plot?
BTW re your comment on Devonlife's blog, is this the first time a cow has ever had her identity stolen!!!!
I haven't heard of this one either Wizzard - will expect a comprehensive progress report! xx
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